Taking Action - Chapter 54

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Three Days Later// Sunday
At the hospital // 5:55pm
Jacy POV

My leg shook as I sat in the chair covering my head. It's been three days and Kimani was still in the hospital and I still don't know shit. She's in a coma for who even knows and the doctors are still seeing about the baby.

So honestly I don't know if mani or my baby gonna be okay. I'm worried but I can't sit on my ass and do nothing, something has got to be done.

I looked up and looked at her cold body hooked up to all them machines. I twisted my lip and got up, I went to the side of the bed and kissed her forehead.

After that I left off to Masami house, the night this all happened I texted her and we was gonna meet up today with Londyn and my mom.

At Jacy mom house

"I made some food, it's in the kitchen if you want some Jacy." My mom said as I walked in.

"It's fine, I ain't hungry right now." I responded.

She nodded and I sat at the table with Londyn and Masami. "So what's going on? Y'all called me out of bed and my back was aching." Londyn said.

"Speaking of that, how my baby doing?" Masami asked.

"I'm ready for him to get on out, I'm ready to lay on my stomach again when I'm going to sleep." She complained.

"That's what 8 months will do to you." Sami replied.

"Anyway, Londyn, Kimani is in the hospital." I told her.

"What! Is she okay? How's the-" she paused as my mom walked in. I haven't told my mom yet cause it was supposed to be a surprise but I don't know if that's gonna happen now.

"What's going on? Why y'all looking at me like that?" My mom asked.

The girls stayed quiet and I spoke up. "Kimani got shot." I said.

"What? Is she okay? When was this?" She asked.

"Friday night, some complications with keisha." I said.

"Why didn't you call the police then? Is she locked up?" She asked.

"Cause I'm going to handle things in my own way momma." I said.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

I lifted up my shirt and placed the gun on the table. Her eyes widened and she slapped me on my head.

"Are you out of your mind? You just got out of being a suspect in a murder and this time you wanna actually commit a murder? Me and your aunt had a wild life as teenager and if it was a younger me then I wouldn't care but I'm older and wiser now and I'm not letting you do this. As much as I don't like the girl, that's Giovanni mom. You can't do that." She explained.

"Mom, she shot mani. She's in a coma at the hospital right now fighting for her life we gotta do something." Londyn said.

"Do what? The three of you? Do something? Londyn your 8 months pregnant, Sami you can't handle pressure and Jacy the best thing you should do is move, and lose all contact with her." She said.

I nodded, not really listening to her cause I was gonna do what I wanted regardless.

"Now put that away, where did she get shot at?" She asked.

"Her stomach." I spoke.

"I know someone who got shot in their stomach, they lived through it so she should be fine. So there was no need to do what you was planning to do." She said.

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