Green Eyes | Chapter 13

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The Next Day..^Virginia.
Kimani POV

My head jumped up cause I had those dreams where you was falling in the middle of no where and the sun was in my eye.

I kissed my teeth and looked at the time on my phone, 12:34 why am I sleeping in this late, I'm always an early bird.

I got up and went to go pee and brush my teeth then I left the room and heard Jacy and another voice downstairs. Me being nosy I stayed and listened in at the top of the stairs.

"So when you gone be able to do it?" I heard the female voice ask.

"Ion know Virginia, shit like that takes time" Jacy replied.

Virginia? Who's that?

"Jacy it doesn't take that long to just go out there and fix whats going on with my car.. I said I would pay you" she replied.

I heard him kiss his teeth. "Fine, come on then. We gotta make this shit quick though cause I gotta go pick my son up from my cousin house" he replied back.

There was a silence and then the front door opened then shut. I went down the stairs and put on my slides.

I went outside and I saw a dark skin girl next to Jacy that was doing something to her car. I decided to walk up and introduce myself.

"Jacy" I spoke out.

They both turned around and looked at me. "Wassup, you just waking up?" He asked me.

I looked at the girl and back at him. "Yea" I said.

"Jacy whos this? She Yo girlfriend?" The girl asked him.

"Nah, she a close friend of mine. Kimani this my younger sister Virginia from my biological dad side" he said introducing me.

"Hey girl" she said looking at me.

"Hey, you never told me you had another sister" I said looking at jacy.

"That's because I was kept in the dark for a period of time but yes I'm his sister" she smiled.

"Mhm.. okay, well I'll be in the house. It was nice meeting you" I said to her.

"You to" she said.

I turned around and walked back into the house minding my own business.

Jacy POV

I went back to fixing Virginia's car in the hood and then she started asking me questions.

"She's pretty, you like her?" She asked.

"I only knew her for 3 months now" I chuckled.

"And? You can like somebody in that matter of time" she shrugged.

"Yea well I'm a 25 year old man and your a 17 year old girl.. I'm sure you see the emotional difference there" I said putting together a wire.

"My age means nothing, I'm still grown just like you" she said.

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Dad wants to see you in Atlanta, he called me last night saying you should come and see Mrs.Raine and our little sister who's turning 7 in two weeks" she explained.

I shook my head again. "Va, I'm not going to see that nigga. I'll send Queenie some money or something but nah atlanta ain't the moves" I spoke.

"How long you gone hold that grudge on him for jace? He said he wants to try with you" she said.

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