Baton Rouge |40|

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4 days later..
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 📍
Monday. 3:15pm
Kimani POV

Sage, Yahir and I just got off the plane and we were in Louisiana. Before I left, I cussed out Noelle and I got her to give me the address of my parents location cause apparently she seen them recently.

I called for a Lyft ride to some hotel so we can put our things up. When it showed up, we placed our bags in the trunk and got in the back.

On the way there I got a really bad headache out of no where and it was probably cause of me rarely eating. When ever I would eat, I would throw it right back up and I didn't even know what was going on.

I went on my phone to look up some home stomach flu remedies and it said ginger ale so hopefully there's a soda machine at the hotel cause I need to eat something.

At the hotel

I put in two quarters and typed in the buttons for the ginger ale. When it dropped to the bottom ,I grabbed it and I held on to my suitcases then went up to the room with sage and Yahir following behind me.

I clicked the 5th floor button and we waited as the elevator went up.

"Soo when are we going to go and see them?" Sage asked.

"Today, just let me shower and get myself together" I replied.

"You sure? You threw up literally right before this flight.. you sick or something?" Yahir asked.

"No. I'm fine" I said then took a sip of the ginger ale.

The elevator came to a stop and then we left down to door 8 and went in. It was way to cold in here so this warm shower I was bout to take was going to hit.

I put the suitcase on my bed and then I pulled out my Marine Serre Cresent moon jumpsuit and my towel and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Sage POV

I waited until I heard the shower turn on and then I went to talk to Yahir.

"You think we should be doing this? I'm pretty sure if they didn't wanna find us then they most likely don't wanna see us and don't care for us anymore" I said.

"Sage this is the best thing we could've done in this situation. Plus it's the three of us for the first time and we already hoppin on planes and going places" he smiled.

"I mean I guess, I just don't know. I'm nervous and I don't really like confrontation let alone our own parents who lied to us our whole life" I said rubbing my head.

"Everything gone be fine. What's the worst our parents gone do?" He said.

I shook my head. "Anyway though, what you think going on with her?" He asked.

"What you mean?" I replied.

"She been throwing up a lot" he said.

I shrugged. "Ion know, she probably got a bug or something" I said.

"That don't look like no bug. What if she's pregnant or something.." he trailed off.

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