Hectic First Day Home |58|

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Two weeks later
Saturday 12:00pm
Kimani POV

It's been two weeks now and Jacy, Gio, Diior and I we're finally home from the hospital. I was glad cause I wanted my baby in her room and everything.

"Jacy be careful with my bags." I said as he was struggling to get them out.

I opened the house door and it was nice and clean in here. Jacy must've cleaned up yesterday, "Welcome home Diior." I said to her as she was in the car seat.

I went up to her room and got her undressed and in her crib. It was still January so it was cold out, I changed her into some at home pajamas with some socks, mittens and a hat. This is my first baby and I do not want her to get a cold, plus she hasn't gotten her shots yet.

Jacy helped me set up the rest of her clothes in the closet. Of course I went over board on her clothes cause I saw a lot of cute things.

I fed her twice today so she should be good for at least the next 4 hours. It still amazes me how tiny she is like it's so adorable.

Only beef I have with her is that she come out looking like jacy. You mean to tell me, I waited 9 months for my daughter to come out looking like him. I gotta shake my head, it's okay though cause she's still adorable and she got my eye shape so it's okay I guess.

"Ima go make some food for us later." He said leaving.

I went up to the baby and looked at her. "You really look like yo daddy don't you." I said.

She smiled and I heard her poop herself. Oh lord, this is where the parenting comes in.

Two hours later

Um I don't know what happened but it's gotten really hectic. Giovanni started running around the house like a mad man while Jacy chases him, Diior won't stop crying and Jacy burnt the food so he has to start over again but he's to occupied so I haven't eaten yet.

"Okay Diior, what do you want from mommy. I fed you, changed your diaper and played with you." I said as she still cried.

She is two weeks and she's been a very vocal baby, if she aint crying she screaming or making noise with her mouth.

I sat on the couch and turned on some coco melon and she stopped crying right after. I don't know what it is about this damn show but okay.

"Baby can y'all please stop running around and go make food, I didn't eat all day. Giovanni come sit down with me and your sister and watch some TV." I said to both of them.

Gio ran over next to me and watched tv while Jacy went to go make food.

There was a knock at the door and I rolled my eyes. "Gio watch her and make sure she sits up straight." I said placing her down on the couch.

I went to go answer the door and it was sage, Simoan and her new boyfriend. I haven't even met him yet but I guess today is the day.

"I have arrived, where's my niece." She asked smiling.

"She's in the couch with Gio and who's this?" I asked.

"Oh! Mani, this is my boyfriend Melvin. And Mel this is my big sister kimani." She smiled.

"Hi, hold on let me go get Jacy." I said and I went in the kitchen.

"Who's at the door?" He asked.

"Sage and her boyfriend, have you met him yet?" I asked.

"Yea that nigga chill as fuck, tell him to come in here." He answered.

I nodded then went out and told her boyfriend that he's in the kitchen.

Sage and I went to the couch and she put Simoan down and held Diior.

"Your so pweety auntie baby." She cooed.

"Don't forget about your own son sage." I laughed sitting down.

"I know that mani." She replied sitting down too.

"It's funny how all of our kids will be close and the when Celeste has her baby we can all have play dates with eachother!" She added.

"Yup but girl what I wanna know is, when you gonna get pregnant?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Not any time soon, probably when Simoan is 4 or 5. I just got a lot on my hands and I just started dating melvin.. if we last that long I'm sure he'll wanna wait as well." She explained.

I nodded my head cause that was understandable. "Well when you do get pregnant I hope it's a girl too." I said.

"Honestly I want another boy, I don't know why but I want all boys when I have kids."

"Damn so you don't want a single girl?" I asked.

"I'm not against it but I would prefer my kids to be boys.. I don't know it's just that after being in a bad relationship I don't want a daughter to have a possibility of being in that situation. With my sons, at least I can teach them not to be a rapist, women beater, or something like that." She continued.

"I mean that's true but that's why you have to make sure your kid is dating someone that when you meet them and their parents that everything is okay. At least that's what ima do when she gets older and wants a boyfriend.. or girlfriend cause who knows." I shrugged.

We continued to talk and then when food was done we ate and had a good rest of the day.

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