Boop Boop Boop |9|

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2 weeks and a day later..
Monday, 1:34pm
Kimani POV

It's been 2 weeks since the whole shia and Jacy incident and a lot of things been happening.

I found out I wasn't pregnant and thank the lord cause I was scared that I would be. I started birth control pills in case shia would try again to get me pregnant. We both no longer have the std any more from taking those pills.

Of course Jacy and I haven't been talking for real any more cause shia don't want me too and because he threatened me to block his number and I had too. Last week shia and I got into it and he beaten me up so bad that my wrist broke so I was in a cast.

At the moment shia and I were walking through the park just talking about random shit and I kept my answers short like I always do.

"See how peaceful this is Kimani? We could be like this if you didn't run yo mouth to much" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Can we lay the towel down over there near the field. I need to draw and that's the main reason I came" I told him.

He scoffed and then we walked to where I wanted to sit and I laid out the towel on the ground and we sat. He started patting his pockets and kissed his teeth.

"Stay here, I forgot my phone in the car" he spoke and I nodded my head as he went to go to the car.

I flipped to a new page in my sketchbook and then I started drawing out the play ground.

"Kimani!!" I heard Londyn voice behind me and I turned around.

She was with Jacy and they came towards me. "Hey Londyn" I smiled getting up to hug her.

"Hey girl what you doing? Nobody been talking to you in a minute" she said then looked at the cast on my arm.

"What happen to your arm?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure you know what happened.." I said quietly.

She scrunched up her face. "Where the fuck that nigga at? Ima beat his ass" she said getting mad.

Jacy moved her out the way and examined me and I could tell he got mad to.

"Mani the hell they doing here" I heard Shia voice coming back.

"Uh- I just.. saw them" I shuddered.

"Nigga you a bitch doing that to her fucking arm" Jacy said to him getting loud.

"You gone do something about it?" Shia replied.

Jacy scoffed. "Yea, check it" Jacy said then pulled me closer and then smashed his lips into mine using tongue and everything and he even smacked my butt then grabbed it.

He pulled away then winked at me. "And now, if you wanna fight, we can get shit shaking" Jacy went on taking his hoodie off.

Jacy threw the first punch hitting him in his nose and I tried to stop him but Londyn pulled me back.

"It's better to stay out of this and let them duke it out mani" she said.

Jacy could really fight, every single punch Shia threw he dodged it and he was winning. We had to break it up cause Jacy had this nigga on the ground and was going to literally punch him to death and as much as I wanted that, I didn't want Jacy to have that blood on his hands.. literally and figuratively.

"Okay okay okay Jacy, he had enough come on" Londyn said then pulled him off.

"Yeaa bitch, how the fuck you lose and you beat on yo girl every day. You should be lucky to have a girl like her and you taking that shit for granted" Jacy said to him as Shia was getting up from the ground.

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