Unexpected arrival |57|

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A month later// January 2nd
11:20am// Kimani POV

Jacy and I were taking down our decorations from our New Years party last night and also our Christmas tree. This years Christmas and New Years was great, my brother and Celeste came, my parents came, then some of jacy's family came as well so it was fun.

But anyway over these span of weeks, I turned 9 months on December 27th!! There is one problem though. The doctor said her due date was probably around December 30th-January 8th and I just got really nervous cause I'm basically in the baby's due date.. this child can come at any moment.

I was even scared that if I went to go poop that would increase my chances of the labor starting. My back pains were even worse than before, ankles were actually swollen and it's getting harder to breathe.

"Babe I need a break, I'm tired." I told him and he nodded as I sat down.

This pregnancy journey was something bittersweet, I hated being tired every 10 minutes and having to sit down but then again, it does have its pro's.

"You want the left over cake you never finished last night?" Jacy asked.

I raised my eyebrow. "I thought I ate that." I replied.

"No, you left it on your stomach then fell asleep while you was eating." He chuckled.

"Oh. Then go ahead." I smiled.

He went to go get the cake and gave it to me, I finished the half eaten strawberry cake and drank some water.

There was a knock on the door and we looked at each other in confusion cause we wasn't expecting anybody to get here.

"Who is it!" Jacy yelled through the door.

"I'm here for kimani. I need to talk to her." I heard a familiar female voice say.

Jacy looked at me and i motioned for him to help me up. I waddled to the door and opened it.. ewwww why are they here.

At the door, it was Shia's mother, his sister, and Shia's baby with some gifts I guess.

I scrunched up my face. "Why are y'all here?" I said.

"We would like to apologize sincerely for our recent actions and we hope to build a connection with you that Shia couldn't see." The sister spoke.

"Ion think my girl wanna be around y'all, tha-

"Jacy please shut up and go make lunch or something." I said and he looked at me crazy.

I gave him another stare and he kissed his teeth and left. "Come in, i can't stand for long." I said.

I let them in and shut the door behind them. We sat on the couch and I got comfortable to hear this.

"So now, what made y'all come here and how did y'all find me here?" I questioned.

"Well... we needed kind of a back track, so we went over to Shia's house where he stayed with you and we saw some things that indicated that you were right, he was beating on you.. as far as how we got here, there was an address on a sticky note that he wrote so we decided on taking our chances." His mother explained.

I nodded my head slowly so they can finish.

"In conclusion, we would just like to apologize for not seeing it sooner. My mother here was abused by our dad when we were little so I'm assuming that's where he got it from. He looked up to his dad like an idol so I guess we should've expected it." His sister said.

"Hm, yea. That man was grown enough to learn, if it was that much of a toxic environment, then you should've taught him a thing or two while the surroundings was good. So you and his dad should take responsibility for his actions. But also I do blame him for not growing up and learning." I spoke.

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