Red Lights |15|

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The Next Day..^ Donny
November 20th, 9:30am
Kimani POV

I turned off the shower and got out wrapping the towel around my body. I went back in my room and looked through the closet to see what I can wear and I chose some boy shorts and a belly shirt.

Other than my appointment later tonight, I planned to stay home today and just chill. I still didn't even want to give Donny the tattoo that late but it's whatever now.

After throwing on my clothes, I went downstairs and saw Gio on the couching watching something while eating his breakfast.

"Good morning Gio" I said to him.

"Morning" he replied.

I went in the kitchen and Jacy was putting waffles and eggs on a plate then looked up and saw me.

"Morning" he smiled.

"Hey morning, you woke up early to made me this breakfast" I chuckled sitting at the island.

"I had to" he spoke.

He pushed the plate to me and I got the syrup and poured it over the waffles.

"What you got planned today?" He asked putting the pots in the sink.

"Nothing for real, I got a tattoo to do later" I responded taking a bite out the waffle.

"At what time?" He asked.

"Tonight at 10" I said.

He turned around and raised and eyebrow at me. "10 at night? Don't you think that's a lil sketch?" He asked.

"A little bit yes, but I already tattooed him before and he said that's the only time he gets off" I answered.

"Mhm, well whenever you get there make sure you text me so I can know if your okay" he said turning back around and washing the dishes.

"Awe, you wanna keep me safe?" I pouted then laughed.

"Of course I wanna keep you safe girl whatchu talkin?" He scoffed.

I chuckled to my self and continued eating. "He said it wasn't a big tattoo so it should be quick, 2 hours at most" I said nodding.

"Ight, well in the mean time of doing that lets hang out today" he said.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"The park or movies" he shrugged.

"I don't go to the movies in the day time" I scoffed.

"We could go later at 5, it's no biggie to me" he shrugged.

"Okay that's fine with me. What movie?" I asked.

"The grudge" he said.

"Ehh, ion like scary movies like that can we watch something else.. plus isn't Gio coming with us?" I frowned.

"That boy loves scary movies, and it'll be fine mani. You'll be with me so it's cool" he smiled.

I stayed silent and just nodded my head. I never liked scary movies cause I get real bad nightmares from them.

I remember when I was younger and I watched the it movie and I got bad nightmares and it traumatized me.

"I'll go but if I scream in the movie don't say I didnt warn you" I spoke.

He chuckled. "Ight scary" he responded.

"Ya Damn skippy, I'm scary" I said standing up with my plate.

"I'll wash that out for you" he said grabbing it from me.

"Thank you, I'll be in my room" I said and he nodded.

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