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The Next Day..
December 1st, Sunday
Kimani POV

I woke up with Jacy arm around me, I got out from under him then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I did that I went into my suitcase and pulled out some pajama pants and threw them on.

I let Jacy just sleep and I left my room and went downstairs where it was so much going on. Gio and queenie were running around the living room, a baby was crying on the couch and I smelt food in the kitchen.

When I went in I saw jacys dad and mrs. Raine in the kitchen cooking and making a bottle.

"Good morning"  I spoke and they looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning" they replied.

"I see the kids all up and full of energy" I smiled.

"Yea queenie is already like that but them two together is like a rollar coaster" Raine said to me.

I chuckled. "Kimani after you eat would you mind bringing this plate of food up to Jacy. I know he won't come down" his dad said handing me my plate and his.

"Oh no, I'll just get him to come down" I replied.

"You can try, that boy is so stubborn when it comes to us. Every time he's here he just stays in the room" Raine cut in.

"Yea, I'll get him down"  I smiled then went to put our plates down.

I ran back up the stairs and he was up but still in the bed. "Good your up, your dad made breakfast" I said to him.

"Can you bring it up here for me?" He asked while on his phone.

"No, come down and eat" I said coming into the room more.

He kissed his teeth. "I never eat down there, I told you that I stay in the room most the time" he said putting his phone down.

"And today things are changing so come on, come eat with your dad and step mom" I said pulling on his arm.

He snatched his arm back. "Mani please just go get my food" he repeated.

"Your step mom I understand but your dad? I know he beat on your mom and I'm not gone say I know how you feel but please, From a person who doesn't have neither of her parents, please just come down and eat with your dad. He seemed like he changed drastically" I explained to him.

He looked at me and sighed. "Ight man" he said snatching the covers off of him and followed me downstairs.

We went into the dining room and saw both of them sitting down and eating. They looked up and smiled.

"Morning Jacy" his dad said.

He didn't say a word and all he did was sit down and eat. I sat next to him and did the same thing, the silence was unbearable and I just had to spark up a conversation.

"So um Mr....

"Just call me Veen" his dad replied.

"Right, okay. Mr. Veen are those your only kids?" I asked.

"Yes and I got a 17 year old daughter in California, she lives with her mom in San Francisco" he responded.

I nodded my head. "Ohh okay, Yea I met her already" I smiled.

I ate some more and again it was silent. "Well um, Jacy your father and I will be at work so I was wondering if y'all could take care of queenie and naijah while we gone" Raine said looking at both of us.

"Mhm" Jacy just hummed while eating his food.

"What time will y'all be back?" I asked.

"Around 7 tonight" she said.

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