Dont Know Why I Came |16|

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The Next Afternoon..
Nov. 21st, Saturday
Kimani POV

I laid in the bed as my phone started to light up like crazy. When I looked at it it was a text from Donny.

Donny: Wassup, what you doing tonight?

I rolled my eyes, why is he always trying to go out with me somewhere.

Me: 🤷🏽‍♀️

Donny: I was wondering if you'd like to hit the club with me later tonight? As friends.

Me: Donny I don't know about all that.

Donny: Please? I'll pay for your drinks and everything.. I'll even pick you up, I just want to get to know you more

Me: Ehh, I'll think about it but if I do choose to go your not picking me up. I can drive perfectly fine.

Donny: Ight hit me up then when you made up your mind. Before 8 at least

Me: 👍🏽

I put my phone down and relax in the bed, Jacy went out somewhere with Gio so I had the whole house to myself and I didn't know what to do.

He told me last night that he was going out of town to Atlanta for his little sisters birthday party in two weeks. So I better get used to this staying at this house by myself thing from now.

I felt myself getting drowsy and I fell asleep again for the second time today.


"Kimani, wake the fuck up" Jacy said shaking me out my sleep.

"What's the hell you want?" I complained.

"Here" he said handing me a iPhone 11 Pro box.

My eyes widened so big, I could see the next day. "Jacy what the fuck" I said to him.

"I got it for you cause you had that old ass iPhone 7 or whatever it was" he shrugged.

"Thank youuu so much" I sang opening it.

When I opened it, I picked it up and examined it. He got me a crystal white one and it was beautiful.

"I love thisss, come hereee" I said getting up and hugging him.

I kissed him on his cheek then looked back at the phone in amuse. He didn't have to get me this but it's the fact that he wanted to and did.

"Yea, I wanted to give you something so there it is. But I'm going to meet up with Sami at Londyn house, you wanna come with?" He asked.

"I would love to but I started my period this morning and I been tired today" I said.

"Okay, well ima be out there for an hour or two with Gio. If you need anything while I'm out just text me" he said.

I nodded my head. "I will"

He smiled then left the room closing the door in the meanwhile. I set up the phone he gave me putting my iCloud and all that in and just enjoyed all this.

Jacy POV- 30 minutes later

"Waddup" I said walking into the house.

"Hey twinnnn" Sami said coming up and hugging me.

"Hey cousin" Londyn said.

"So whats the verdict? Why y'all call me down here" I asked.

"Word around the Compton streets that Chris got outta jail" Londyn said.

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