Tombstones |21|

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4 Days Later-January 7th
Wednesday// 3:55pm
Diior POV

I woke up to bright lights in my face. I furred my eyebrows then got a more clear view of my surroundings. I was in the hospital and my dad was just there asleep on the chair.

How long have I been in here?

"Dad?" I said in a crispy voice.

He jumped up and looked at me then smiled. When he got close to me he kissed my forehead.

"What's going on? What happened?" I questioned.

"You got shot.. you were in a coma for the past 4 days now." He answered.

I slowly started to regain my memory of what happened then my eyes widened.

"Dad! Where's Aubrey? Is he okay?"

He huffed. "He was in a coma to, he was in a more critical condition than you and they don't know when he's gonna wake up."

I slightly frowned cause I hope he's gonna be okay cause I'll be crushed if he dies.

"Your mom and them just left to get some food, they gone be back in a minute. You need anything?"

"Just water." I replied.

He nodded then left as I thought to myself. Everything was going so good at my party, what even happened and most importantly who shot us.

I lifted my self up and I felt a slight pain in my stomach and I looked down. I was all bandages up and what not.

My dad came back and gave me a cup of water. "So when am I gonna be able to go home?" I asked.

"Next week Monday, you just got out of the coma and your surgery wasn't too long ago." He chuckled.

"What did they do?"

"The bullet went clean through you so all they did was put you up together then wrapped you in them bandages." He said.

"So the bullet is still in aubrey?" I asked.

He nodded. "They're having trouble cause where the billet stopped, it's in a difficult way to bring it out."

"Where is it at?"

"Close to his spine. One wrong move and he could go paralyzed from the neck down." He responded.

"It's better then him being dead."

"Yea but they have to get all the fragments of the bullet and that could be what happens wrong."

I stayed quiet then the doctor came in and smiled. "I'm glad your up, we're gonna take you in scan and run a few tests on you to make sure everything is good for now."

"Alright." I replied.

Gio Pov

"Make sure you turn off any stoves if you turn them on." My mom said as she dropped me home.

"I know." I replied then went back in the house and went downstairs.

I rolled one up as I relaxed on the couch. I was stressing out cause Diior got shot, I wanna find the niggas who did it to be honest.

I took my second hit then my phone buzzed and it was Lolanie.

Lola😇: Hey my bad i didn't answer your call last night, I was going through some problems

I raised my eyebrows cause what type of problems?

Me: It's cool, what's going on?

Lola😇: Kai and I broke up, I found out he was cheating on me with some girl I wasn't cool with so I was a little angry

Me: you gone be good?

Lola😇: Yea just gonna focus on my school work for now. How's your sister?

Me: as far as I know, still in a coma I'm waiting to see if my pops or mom gone text me to see if she wakes up

Lola😇: Oh okay I'm praying for her, you doing okay?

Me: Yea just smoking right now trynna clear my mind

Lola😇: That's good but I have some news

Me: ??

Lola😇: My dad side of the family having a family reunion on the 20th so ima be over in Las Vegas again and I was thinking about staying a week with you if that's okay

Me: that's wassup and yea it's okay I could come over there too, I got an uncle and some cousins that live over that side

Lola😇: Oh okay well I'll let you know the day before when I'm on my way

Me: ight but I'll call u later I'm finna take a nap

Lola😇: Okay

I turned my phone off then finished my blunt and crashed to sleep.

Diior POV

My mom was feeding me some apple sauce cause I could only eat soft foods at the moment.

"Mommy but when can I go see him?" I asked as I swallowed the last bit of my food.

"We have to ask the doctor if it's okay for you to stand. We don't want them stitches popping open, as soon as you done eating ima go ask." She replied.

I nodded my head and continued to eat then when I was finished she threw away my trash and symere was looking at me.

"What." I said.

"Are you in pain?" He asked.

"No why." I chuckled.

"Alright good cause at first I wasn't gone say this but now I will, that's what you get when you wanna be grown." He said pointing his finger at me.

I straight faced him. "Come here real fast."

He took a step closer and I slapped him in his neck. "Dang Diior that's why you crippled now." He said while holding the spot.

"Y'all chill out, it's not the place and time." My dad said as solanae was asleep on his lap.

My mom and the doctor came back in with a wheel chair.

"For you to move around, you have to stay seated or else your stitches will reopen." The doctor said.

I nodded and he unhooked me from the machines and my mom and symere helped me get in the wheel chair.

She pushed me to his room and when we was in, I saw him hooked up to more machines then I was and it broke my heart. I rolled myself up to his bed as I heard his heart machine thingy go on to every beat.

I grabbed his hand and held on to it. "Just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. I hope your doing okay as well and hopefully you can wake up like tomorrow." I said to him.

"Your going to pull through.. I know you are. Your surgery is gonna go great and you'll be up and like your usual self." I added.

I looked at his pale face again then I did a small prayer. I felt his hand moved and I looked up and noticed his heart rate was speeding up and the machines were going all crazy.

My mom moved me out of the way quickly as 4 nurses and 2 doctors came in and trying to help him. He was having a seizure and it made me tear up cause I wanted to know what was going on.

They carried us out of the room and back in mine. My dad helped me this time get on the bed and they hooked me back up to the IV.

"You okay?" My mom asked.

I nodded my head as I tucked in my lips knowing I wasn't really okay on the inside. I'm scared that he's gonna die.

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