Settling This Out |45|

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The Next Day..
Kimani POV

I got out my car and locked it, I was at Jacys aunt house so I can talk to her about jacys jail thing and hopefully get this all taken care of.

I knocked on the door and she answered a few moments later. "Hey, come in in" she smiled allowing me in.

When I walked in, she had a very nice and spacious house and it smelled like food in here.

"It smells nice in here" I said sitting down on her couch.

"Thank you, I'm just making lunch but let's get on topic. Why did the police say that Jacy killed somebody?" She asked me.

I looked at her and twisted my lips. "He kind of did.." I trailed off.

"Kind of?" She questioned raising her eyebrow.

"Well he did but it was my abusive ex so he didn't just do it" I answered.

"Kimani, I can't do much if he actually killed him. A good reason or not, that judge will not care about why he killed him. The most I can do is shorten his sentence but either way, that's still a big chunk of jail time" she replied.

I huffed. "But there's no actual evidence of him killing him. They just went off of a witnesses words, they won't even tell me who's the witness.. it could be somebody that hates his guts and just want to send him away" I admitted.

"If there's no evidence as time goes along then he'll be set free but they're interrogating him and if in that time, the witness drop a single piece of evidence that leads to him, he going straight to prison" she said.

I shook my head. "Is there a way that I can find out who this witness is?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Not until the day of court or unless they come forward to you personally"

"I still don't understand who would rat him out. How long could he go to jail for?" I asked.

"For first degree murder that's around.. 20 years or more" she estimated.

"Oh noo. This can't be happening, is there a way for you to shorten that?" I asked.

"With evidence, I can shorten it to about 2 years but without evidence, if they do decide to put him in jail anyway then I can actually win his case so he'll get no years" she smiled.

"So it's basically all up to the witness" I said.

"Technically Yea so just cross your fingers and hope that the witness truly doesn't have any evidence or clues to him" she continued.

I nodded my head and we discussed some more things and then I went on home.

Jacy POV

I sat in the jail cell thinking about everything going on. Someone snitched, Kimanis pregnant, and I could be facing 20 years in prison for this.

By the time I get out Gio will be 28, I'll be 45, my new baby will be around 20 years old and I'll be missing out on so much. This is the worst possible thing that could happen and it's happening at the wrong times.

Ima just pray and hope that whoever snitched don't actually have any real evidence cause this can ruin my damn life for real.

A police officer came to my cell and grabbed me up. "The detective is here so she's going to go in and question you" he said guiding me to the investigation room.

When he opened the door, it was a light skin lady with her hair all in a neat bun. I got sat down and then the police left, leaving me in the room with the detective.

"So, Mr. Hernandez.. I will be asking you questions revolving around the murder of Mr. MaCullin. Is there anything you need to say or ask before we began?" She asked getting her papers together.

"Did the witness come in with any type of evidence?" I questioned.

She looked at me. "No" she replied.

"Then why the fuck am I in here right now? The witness y'all referring to could be somebody who has it out for me and been lying" I exclaimed.

"Cause your are only lead and the witness gave us some facts that lead to you" she answered.

"Like what?" I asked.

"You and MaCullin has problems with each other correct?" She questioned.

"Yea but that don't mean I killed him, we had problems cause he used to hit on my girl. We fought once but I wouldn't go so far as to killing him" I said coming up with a lie.

"So who is this girl that your speaking of?" She asked.

"Basically my girlfriend, matter of fact. I was with her that same night that he was murdered, if you bring her in then she'll tell you fasho" I spoke.

She nodded her head. "Okay well I will definitely look into that, but any way. Was there anybody else with you when this alleged murder take place?" She asked.

I shook my head. "There was nobody with me cause I didn't commit no murder" I shrugged.

She let out a huff and spoke again.

Kimani POV

I laid on my bed and that's when my phone buzzed next to me and it was a text from Quincy, I low key forgot about that nigga.

Quincy💚: Wassup, you haven't spoke to me in a minute

Me: Yea.. crazy stuff had went down when I went to Vegas so I never really got the chance to hit you up

Quincy💚: It's cool but I got something to tell you so can we meet up in like 20 minutes?

Me: Yea that's fine. Where at though?

Quincy💚: That one cafe in Compton that everybody be at

Me: okay

I put my phone in my pocket and got up, I hope everything is good and what he's about to tell me isn't something to top off the bad day that I've been having.

20 minutes later at the cafe

I opened the door and looked around then saw Quincy just sitting down and on his phone.

I went and sat next to him and he smiled at me. "Hey" I spoke.

"Wassup, what's going on witchu? What happened in Vegas?" He asked.

"Just a few complications, I got into a car accident and was in the hospital for about a week so I never really got the chance to be on my phone" I answered.

"Damn, you good? I'm surprised your not wearing a neck brace or casts" he replied.

"Only thing that broke were my fingers, I had cuts and scars all over my legs though. But anyways, what did you have me here for?" I asked.

"Well, like 4 days ago I was told that I'm getting drafted else where so I'm moving again" he said.

"Dangg, where you moving to?" I asked.

"London" he spoke.

I nodded my head. "Ohh okay, you finna be looking at Big Ben and shit" I chuckled.

"Yup but ima miss you" he spoke.

"Not gone lie, ima miss yo irrelevant ass too" I laughed.

"Irrelevant?" He joked.

"I'm fuckin witchu" I laughed. No I'm not.

We talking for a few and then it was time for me to get going off at home.

Ima start prewriting chapters y'all cause I just been busy lately so sorry for the wait.

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