Against My Will |8|

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The Next Morning..
Kimani POV

I stretched and yawned as I woke up, I removed the covers off of me and went in the bathroom.

The burning sensation in my pee made me remember that I gotta go back home and take those pills.

I wiped and then I took some mouth wash and swished It in my mouth since I didn't have a toothbrush here and I washed my hands the flushed the toilet before I left.

As I was going downstairs I smelled food being cooked and I walked into the kitchen and saw Jacy cooking something.

"Good morning, I thought you would've slept for longer or I would've hurried up and cook" he said.

"It's fine, I can help you if you want?" I asked him.

"Nah I'm cooking breakfast for you so just sit down and wait" he replied taking eggs out the carton it was in.

I sat on the stool behind the island and watched as he cooked. "What you even making?" I asked.

"French toast, eggs with bacon" he said cracking the egg into the bowl.

A hour in a half later

He placed the plate in front of me and a cup of orange juice and then he sat next to me with his plate.

I put syrup on it and took a bite and it was actually good. "Mmm, this is actually good" I moaned.

"What? You thought it was gone taste bad or something?" He frowned smiling.

"Uh- nooo" I said then laughed.

"Mhm, what you doing today?" He asked.

"Nothing at all, just gonna go home" I sighed out.

"If anything happens when you get there, I want you to text or call me Ight? I'll speed down there and get you if I have to" he answered taking a bite of eggs.

I nodded my head, I wish I can live here with him cause I was scared to go home.

"I hope that nod was a yes you will and not a I'm hearin you but I'm not gone do it" he replied.

"I will jacy" I spoke up.

He nodded his head and we ate breakfast while we talked and that's when his phone started to ring.

The name on the phone was Baby Moms 🙄. He rolled his eyes and answered the phone.

"Hello?......Gio what the hell you doin on yo momma phone......she what?!........where you at?........Ight ima connect the location to that phone and ima be over there to pick you up....Ight son Love you to" he spoke then hung up the phone.

"What happened?" I asked him as he stood up from the stool.

"My baby moms on some nut shit leaving him in the car while she fucking some nigga" he said as I followed him out the living room.

"I'll drop you home after I get him so you coming with me" he said.

"Okay" I replied.

In The Car- 28 minutes later

He turned the street and we was in the projects that I lived in and I raised my eyebrow.. was he dropping me off first orr?.

"There go her fucking car too" he spoke parking up behind it.

"Stay in the car real quick" he told me.

"Jacy... I live here" I told him.

He tilted his head and we both got out the car. When he went up to her car he opened it cause it was unlocked.

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