Chapter 78

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Come Sunday night, Tony and I just wanted to relax with our friends. We drove the boys down to my parents house for a sleep over so it was a "grown up" party.

We all sat around and talked. It was nice, and very much needed. Closer to the end of the night, things started to get a little quiet. Everyone was a few alcoholic beverages over normal and had no filter. So, I decided to make things interesting.

"Let's play a game." I suggested.

"What kind of game?" McGee asked.

"Truth or Dare." I grinned.

"Oh oh me first! Truth!" Abby squealed.

"Hehe ok.. If you could marry anyone in this room, who'd it be?" McGee asked.

"Well of course you Timmy!" She grinned.

McGee blushed up and looked at the ground smiling.

"Me next. Truth!" Tony said.

"How many girls have you kissed?" McGee smirked.

His face dropped.

"Ummm. Ummm."

"Oh good lord!" I smirked.

"I honestly don't know." He frowned.

"That means a lot!" Abby laughed.

"My turn. I want a dare!" I answered.

I saw I evil grin come upon palmers face.

"Fine. I dare you to kiss McGee!" My eyes widened, looking at Tim.

I looked around the room for important reactions. No one seemed to care. I closed my eyes and leaned in, kissing him. It wasn't short and done like I had assumed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he softly grabbed by face pulling me close. That's when I realized, it felt too right.

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