Chapter 55

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Come Monday I heard a knock on the door. Who could it possibly be, everyone was at work. Both kids were at the babysitter because I wasn't allowed to keep them on my own. I didn't know anyone else! I slowly answered the door. To my surprise, there stood McGee.

"Surprise!" He grinned.

"What are you doing here!?"

"Well I figure you were probably sick of being here alone, so I took today off!" He showed me 2 huge bags.
"Today we shall fry our brains with video games and eat like we are starving!" He smiled.

"You are too good to me McGee." I smiled and let him in.

He led himself back to me and Tony's bedroom where the x box was loaded and got everything set up. He turned around to sit but caught himself.

"I'm not sitting in that bed."

"Why not?"

"That's you and Tony's bed, and y'all just had a baby. Nope. Not gonna happen." He said stepping back.

"I washed the sheets just yesterday you big baby!"

He slowly sat down on the better and shivered. I rolled my eyes. We played video games for hours and hours and hours.

"Knock it off! That's cheating!!"

"Is not!!" We argued and yelled back and forth.

"Fine then! Take this!" He he smacked me in the face with a pillow.

"Hey!" I did the same.

We stood up and fought. I lost my balance and fell, knocking him down as well. We were laughing, until I realized I was laying right on top of him, our faces almost touching. We stared into each other eyes for a long moment, until he grabbed my face and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him long. We were interrupted by a figure that caught the corner of my eye. I pulled away and looked behind me to find Tony in the doorway.

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