Chapter 60

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On the way home McGee took the drivers seat, tony took passengers, and I was stuck in the back. I leaned up towards the front.

"When exactly did I become the third wheel!?"

"When it became official. I think you should know. McGee and I are dating." Tony smirked. He stuck his lips out and headed for McGee's cheek.

"Hey knock it off!" McGee pushed Tony's face back, causing him to swerve.

"Hey! Easy McSpeedy!"

"It was your fault!" They argued back and forth.

"You two really are a couple!!" I laughed.

"Let's go do something." Tony said.

"Like what? We have to go back to work!" McGee argued.

"I don't." I grinned.

"Let's take off a few days McGoody two shoes! Call Abbs and tell her! Us four will go on a road trip!" Tony said hitting his arm.

".... Fine."

"Yes!!" Tony yelled.

He picked up his phone and called Abby.

"Abby! Take off for a few days and then meet us at McGee's! Awesome! See ya then!" He hung up.

"The road trip is on!"

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