Chapter 34

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I swung by my brother's place and managed to gather enough baby stuff to last a while. Easton's clothes, bottles, diapers, car seat, toys, ect. It was noon. We had an hour before we had to be back at work. We pulled up to Easton's babysitter.

"You ready?" Tony asked.

I nodded and opened the door. He walked up to the door with me and knocked. A young girl opened the door.

"You here to get Easton?"

I nodded.

"Come on in. He's napping."

We followed her in. She lifted the tiny infant from a crib and laid him in my arms. I was not just picking up my brothers son, I was picking up a baby that was now mine, and I'd never before seen him in my entire life. The babysitter woke me from my long starring at Easton.

"It will be 30 dollars for today."

"My money is in the car. Let me get it."

Tony grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"I got it." He payed the lady and headed back to the car.

I put baby Easton in his car seat and sat beside him. Tony headed back to work.

"He's adorable." Tony said looking at him through the rear view mirror.

I nodded.

When we got back to work Tony parked and got in the seat next to Easton. We all three sat in the back seat, Tony then Easton then me. Tony looked at me through the gap between the car seat and the regular seat.

"Hey, look at me. I know today has been hard for you, and you have taken on a huge responsibility. But it will be ok. I promise. We will raise Easton, together."

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