Chapter 122

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The case was a short one, however it ended with one bad thing. A parent less 5 year old on Christmas Eve. I peeked into the conference room at Tony, Ava, and Emerson. Tony and Ava were sitting on a mat playing with Emerson, trying to keep Ava busy. I smiled. I felt someone walk up behind me. When I noticed it was Gibbs I shut the door quietly and turned towards him, waiting for the news. 

"Child services is going to pick her up and put her in foster care." He said. 

I frowned. 

"Poor baby. This close to Christmas and she looses both her parents and gets stuck in an entirely new environment at 5 years old. That is awful." I sighed. 

"It is. That's why I have decided to adopt her." Gibbs smiled. 

"Yay! Wow Gibbs! Congratulations!" I hugged him. 

"Saying that, I have some Christmas shopping to do. Can you take her to your house for a couple hours while I shop and wrap?" He asked. 

"Of course we can Gibbs. We were just about to leave." 

"So am I. Thank you. I'll be by later to pick her up." He said as we went walked our separate ways. 

I walked back into the conference room and met eyes with Tony. 

"Hey Ava I'll be right back. Think you can watch Emmy for me for a couple minutes?" He asked. 

She smiled and nodded. 

"What's up?" He whispered. 

"Gibbs adopted Ava." 

"Really!? That's amazing!" 

"I know. He is Christmas shopping now so we need to take her home and keep her busy." 

Tony walked back over to the girls playing on the floor. 

"What do you say we head to my house and play there? There are many more toys to play with!" Tony held out his hand to help her up. 

"Deal!" She smiled and ran over to me. 

"Let's go!" She grabbed onto my hand and led the way as Tony followed close behind holding Emerson. 

When we got back to the house, Emerson and have went right back to playing. Ava thought Emerson's baby coos and steps were the cutest things ever. Tony and I joined them, sitting on the floor. 

"You know, I think Santa will be expecting some cookies tonight." I said. 

"Oh yea I bet your right." Tony smiled. 

Ava looked worried. 

"It's a good thing we have enough supplies to make some last minute cookies huh?" I asked. 

"Sure is." Tony replied. 

"Let's go let's go!" Ava squealed and ran to the kitchen. 

I pulled up a chair beside me and placed her on it so she could reach the counter. Tony sat Emerson on the counter on the opposite side of me. All 4 of us worked together to get a big tray of cookies ready for the oven. 

"Alright step back while I put these in. Don't want to burn you." I said as I slid the tray into the oven. 

I turned the oven light on so the girls could see in. 

"How long will it take?" Ava asked. 

"About 10 minutes." Tony answered. 

Ava sat cris cross in front of the oven waiting for them. Tony sat Emerson beside her, as she copied Ava. It was precious. 

10 minutes later the oven beeped. I placed the tray back on the counter and pulled out a plastic container from the cabinet. "We will put half in here for you to take and we will keep the other half for when Santa stops by for Emerson. Deal?" I asked. 

"Deal." Ava smiled and helped me place the cookies in the container. 

About that time, Gibbs walked in. 

"Look Gibbs we made cookies for Santa tonight!" Ava cheered. 

"Awesome! You ready to head home?" He asked, picking her up. 

She nodded, holding on to her box of Cookies tight. 

"Thank you for helping me make cookies." She grinned. 

"You are so welcome Miss Ava. Now go home and get ready for Santa!" Tony smiled.

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