Chapter 22

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The next week and a half passed by quickly. A few small cases here and there, but nothing big. Spring break was finally here. McGee and Abby were going to California, Tony was already headed to Panama, and I was still in DC. I decided to stay back and move into my apartment. I had everything from McGee's already in my car. I called Gibbs to see if he was free so I could get my other stuff from his basement.


"Hey, do you car if I come over and get my furniture from your basement?"

"Sure. The door will be open."


I headed to Gibbs's. I felt weird just walking in, but I did anyway. This was the first time I'd been to Gibbs's home.

"Down here." Gibbs yelled from the basement.

I walked down the steps and to my surprise, I was staring at a giant boat. I left it unquestioned.

"All of your stuff is on a trailer outside. All you have to do is hook it to your car."

"Oh, thank you. I guess I'll be on my way then." I said starting up the stairs.

"Wait. Sit." He said pulling a stool beside him.

I walked over slowly and sat.

"I want to know about the members of my team. I don't know anything about you."

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything. Family."

"Um, it's pretty basic. Mom, dad, brother, sister. Nothing special."

"Now I know you aren't the perfect family."

"Well, I don't really talk to them. I occasionally text my brother, he's the reason I'm here. We were really close. He's my big brother for goodness sakes, I looked up to him. But some things blew over, and I was separated from my whole family." I starred at the ground. I wanted to break down in tears.  

"Honestly, I think the only thing that would bring us all together at this point would be a death, and I hate that thought."

Gibbs put his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"Visit them. I think it would help."

I looked at him for a long time. Maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn't. I don't know.

"Thanks." I answered.

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