Chapter 29

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I was sitting on McGee's couch, waiting to welcome him home. I missed that geek. I heard someone messing with the door knob from the outside. The door swung open and there McGee stood, all his luggage in hand.

"McGee!" I ran over and hugged him.

"Ah hey!" He dropped all his luggage and hugged me.

"I missed you! You don't know how horrible Tony is at video games! An entire week without any!"

He smirked.

"We shall make up for that now! I got you something in California." He said. He walked over to his bag and pulled out a wrapped gift.

"McGee you shouldn't have!"

"Open it!"

I unwrapped it and pulled out a Disneyland shirt.

"Guess where we went for a day?"

"Aw McGee! Thank you so much!" I hugged him tight.

He smiled.

"Let's get to those games!"

We sat on the couch and started to play. McGee looked down at my hand pressing away at the buttons on the controller.

"Get a new ring?"

"Um.. Yea I did." I held up my hand.

"... Is that what I think it is?"

"Surprise!" I smiled.

"Oh my gosh! That happened fast! Congratulations!"

"Thank you!"

"So.. What are you gonna do about Gibbs?"

"Not a clue."

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