Chapter 118

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I looked up as I heard the door squeak. Tony quietly entered the room. It was about 7:00 pm. I was holding Emerson, rocking back and forth in the rocking chair next to her hospital crib. She was sound asleep. Tony kneeled next to us and laid his hand on her head.

"How is she?" He asked.

"She's ok. Whiny. They have her on a couple medicines and the I.V. so I can imagine why." I answered.

Tony tilted my head up so I was looking at him.

"No offence, but you look awful." He said.

"How am I not suppose to take offence to that?" I glared.

"You just look warn out. Have you slept?" He asked.

I ignored his question.

"I'll take that as a no. Will you please lay down?"

A bed sat next to her crib for Tony and I if we chose to stay overnight, which of course we would.

"But she's asleep." I whined.

Tony softly took her from me.

"Into bed. Go. I'll lay beside you with her so she's still right there." He demanded.

I knew I wasn't going to win this fight, and I was very tired. I climbed into the bed. Tony laid beside me cradling Emerson. I pulled the cover up and turned so I was facing Tony and Emmy.

"I won't be able to sleep. Not like this. I'm allowing my mind to wonder."

"Well let's distract you then."

He looked around the room.

"Ah ha!"

He lifted up the laptop and laid it on his lap.

"I don't believe we finished going through those pictures."

He pulled up the many files of pictures I had. There was one that particularly caught his attention.

"The first year of the rest of my life. What folder is that?" He asked as he opened.

"It was my first year at NCIS. The year I met all of you. The best year of my life." I answered.

He smiled and started with the first picture in the file.

"That was the picture I sent Cooper the day I applied. I took it in front of the NCIS sign."

"I remember that day. That was the day you gave me to nickname lover boy." He frowned.

I grinned and nodded.

"It was also the day I moved in with McGee. It took just hours before we became the best of friends. I kind of miss it. We both have our own families, lives. We aren't near as close." I frowned as we looked at the picture McGee and I took playing video games one day.

The next pictures was of Tony and I all dressed up.

"Our first date." He smiled.

"That was a great night, even if we did get in trouble for being late the next morning."

"We got in trouble?"

"Don't you remember? I stayed the night that night and we woke up super late. Ended up wearing the same clothes as the day before." I smirked.

"I do remember that!" He laughed.

We continued to browse through the pictures as we both dozed off.

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