Chapter 74

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When we arrived at the airport, I was was the first one out.

"Thank goodness." I whispered to myself.

Abby and McGee were headed towards Tony and I to return our kids.

"How did they do?" I asked.

"Easton was great. He just sat on McGee's lap and baby talked up a storm. Aiden was a little freaked out. He didn't like it at all." Abby answered.

"He gets it honestly." Tony smirked.

I glared at him and hit his arm. He just smiled. I took Easton while Tony scooped up Aiden and we headed to get our luggage.

After we got all of our bags, we were greeted by two large attractive men. Tony dropped his bags and shook both their hands, cradling Aiden in his other arm.

"Deeks and Callen. Long time no see." He smiled.

"Back at ya brother." Callen nodded.

Both of the their eyes instantly shot down at the infant in Tony's arm.

"Whoa Whoa whoa.. The last time we saw you, you were a player with a different babe every night. What the heck is this!?" Deeks questioned, shocked.

Tony shot him a look.

"Well I'm not the same guy I was 8 years ago, Deeks. I'd like to introduce you to our newest field agent, and my Wife, Anna." He said.

I shook both their hands and smiled.

"And these are our boys Easton and Aiden." Tony smiled looking down at them.

"Wow. Congratulations." Callen smiled.

The rest of the team came up behind us. After a few "Hello's" and "Nice to see you again"s it was time to head to the office.

"Alright guys, we brought two cars. Load up and we will head out!" Deeks signaled and we headed out the door.

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