Chapter 24

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The road trip down with tony was great. We laughed, we sang, we had an awesome time.

We pulled into my parents driveway. I was terrified. I looked over at tony.

"You ready to meet my parents?"

He nodded.

We walked to the door and knocked. My mother answered. She just sat there, didn't say a word.

"Hi mom."


"Um.. This is Tony."

Tony put his hand out and shook my mom and dads hand.
"It's nice to meet you."

"What do you need?" My dad asked.

"I'm tired of this guys. I want my parents back."

They both looked at me, I saw agreement in their eyes.

"I'm sorry guys. I love you guys."

"We love you too." They replied in unison.

I gave them the biggest hug I'd ever given in my life. My eyes were watering when I let go.

Tony smiled and wiped my eyes, followed by a hug.

"What was it you forgot again?" He asked.

"My cat!"

"... Your cat?"

"Yes my cat!"

My dad brought her out. I grabbed her like a baby.

"Hi there miss Molly!"

Tony smirked.

"If she treats her own kids half as good as she treats that cat she will be a wonderful mother." Mom said.

"Good to know." Tony smiled and looked down at me.

"We are gonna head out. Bye guys."

I said my good byes and sat in the passengers seat.

"Thank you for this. I'm so honored that you would bring me here." Tony said grabbing my hand.

I felt my cheeks turn red. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

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