Chapter 88

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It was only 7:30 and homework was done, dinner was eaten, and baths were taken. The boys were finishing the night playing with cars in Easton's room. Tony and I were snuggled up on the couch watching tv.

"How lucky are we?" I asked.

Tony looked down at me questioning my remark with his eyes.

"To have two amazing kids that not only get all their stuff done without a fight, but at the end of the day they are the best of friends." I answered.

"Genetics I guess." He smiled.

"Plus it gives us a little alone time too."

He smirked and pulled me close. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. About that time Easton walked into the living room.

"Hey bud. Where's Aiden?" Tony asked.

"Asleep. Can I ask you guys something?"

"Of course. Come on up here." I answered.

Tony and I separated, leaving a small space for him in between. He climbed up and say between us. He sat for a moment in silence, then decided to speak.

"Why don't Aiden and I have the same last name?" He asked.

I choked on the glass of water I was sipping on.

"Wha.. What?" I asked.

"My friend Sarah at school just got a new baby brother and she has an older sister. She was telling everyone what their names are at school today and they all have the same last name. Why don't me and Aiden have the same last name? We are brothers. We should." He looked up at Tony and I confused.

I looked over at Tony for help, but he wouldn't look at me. He was crushed. He was scared. I pulled Easton close to me.

"Sweetie do you remember right before I had Aiden you were nervous about having a little brother, and I told you about my big brother?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Well he had a wife, her name was Jessica. A few years after they got married, Cooper and Jessica had a little boy, named Easton." I said.

"Me Easton?" He asked.

"Yes you. You know how you have been talking about heaven in Sunday school?" I asked.

He nodded.

"If someone goes to heaven they are better off because nothing bad happens in heaven. They are safe." He said.

"You are exactly right. That is where you Mother and Father went. When they went to heaven, they gave you to me and Tony to take care of and make sure you were healthy and safe. Do you understand?"

He sat there for a moment taking it all in. He finally nodded.

"I understand. They had me, but you took care of me because they moved to heaven." He answered.

"Right. Although they didn't have much time with you, they loved you very very much." I said, hugging him tight.

He nodded.

"But you guys are still my mommy and daddy. And Aiden is still my little brother. Can my last name be Dinozzo like you guys?" He asked.

"If you want it to be it can."

He paused for a moment.

"I want it to be." He agreed.

"Well then we can take care of that tomorrow. Sound good?"

He smiled and nodded. He hugged mine and Tony's necks tight. "I love you mommy and daddy."

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