Chapter 45

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I met up with Tony for lunch. I walked into the restaurant and sat at his table.

"Mama!" Easton squealed and he reached for me.

"Hehe hey buddy!" I took him out of his high chair and sat him in my lap.
"Did you and daddy have fun today?" I asked.

"We sure did. Gibbs let me bring him on the job today, on the actual field. He's an agent in the making!" Tony grinned.

I smirked and put him back in his seat.

"So? What did the doctor say?" Tony asked shoving a bite in his mouth.

I stared at my salad, pushing the leaves around in silence.

"Oh no. It's bad isn't it?" He frowned.

"No no! It's not.. Really bad. Well, depends how you look at it."

"Spit it out!" He yelled.

"Ok sheesh! I'm pregnant Tony."

He looked at me weird.


"You heard me!"

"I thought you said that wasn't possible!"

"I didn't think it was! The doctor was shocked too! But it's a huge threat. I have to be extremely careful." I said.

He nodded.

"Just let me know what I can do to help. Holy crap, I'm gonna be a dad!" He grinned.

"You already are a dad Tony." I said looking at Easton.

"Well yea, you know what I mean though."

"Lets go back to work. I got stuff to do."

"Nuh uh. You are going back to work!" He argued.

"Tony. Chill. I can work fine." I reassured him.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. Nothing can happen to you or that baby." He said, kissing the top of my head.

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