Chapter 123

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Tony and I walked out to the living room with a very sleepy Emerson. However that went away quick when we walked in the room and saw that Santa had visited her. Toys, dolls, and pink everywhere. 

Tony and I sat in the floor with her while she opened her gifts and played with her new toys. 

"Never did I think my house would be taken over by baby dolls and pink." Tony said. 

Emerson was sitting in his lap playing with a new puppy dog stuffed animal with a pink collar. 

"You love it and you know it." 

"I do." He smiled, bouncing the dog toy in front of her. 

"We are technically only paying for one child right now. We could afford another. Maybe two!" He smirked. 

"Give it a few years, Easton and Elizabeth will have one of there own then we will have a grand baby to spoil." I answered. 

"Alright Emmy ready to get dressed for Christmas at aunt Abby and Uncle Tim's house?" I asked, stealing her from Tony's lap. 

"If you act cute enough maybe daddy will put your new kitchen together while we get ready and we can take it with us." I smirked, bouncing her up and down. 

She squealed and pointed towards Tony. 

"You win! You got me! I'll do it!" He yelled, tickling her. 

"Don't you have someone wrapped around your little finger." I smirked, heading to Emmy's room. 

A while later we both walked back out to the living room, ready to go. Emerson was dressed in a little green dress with a Christmas tree on it, and had on a red bow and red leggings to match. 

"Well aren't you just adorable!" Tony smiled trying to take her from me. 

"No no. You are on kitchen duty." I smiled and took Emmy out to the car. 

In no time the kitchen was in the trunk and we were headed to town. 

Easton, Elizabeth, and Lily were going to meet us there. Unfortunately Aiden wasn't able to be with us for the holiday season. 

We pulled in the same time Easton and Liz did. Easton peaked his head in the window at Emerson. She giggled. 

"And what did you get for Christmas?" He asked, opening the door and taking her out of her seat. 

"Cook!" She yelled and pointed to the trunk. 

"There a nice kitchen in the back that you are lucky enough to carry in." Tony smirked, taking Emmy from him and heading inside. 

The real reason we made him take it in was because we wanted to see his reaction when he walked in. Thomas was back in town for Christmas and he had no idea. 

We quickly walked in and got a perfect view for the reunion. 

"To think this is all plastic it isn't the lightest thing in the world!" He complained as he sat the kitchen down. 

He looked up and saw Thomas. 

"How's it going buddy?" Thomas smiled. 

Easton shook his hand and pulled him into a hug, grinning from ear to ear. 

"What's up man!? I didn't think you'd be here! How's life?" He smiled. 

"Great. But I miss my friends and family. God it's so good to see you!" He said, hugging him again. 

Tony sat Emerson on the ground so she could walk to who she pleased. She waddled over to the couch were Tim and Abby sat. 

"Well don't you look too cute in your little dress!" Mcgee smiled, sitting her on his lap. 

"After two stinking boys it's about time I get to pull out the dresses and bows!" I smirked. 

"Hey! We were always sharply dressed for occasions like this." Easton frowned. 

"You're so right on that. She loves to get outfits for babies. You didn't walk out the door with out matching shoes and your hair fixed." Tony smirked, bumping me. 

We spent the afternoon together, sharing presents, food, and laughs. Ava's first Christmas with us went well. She was sad that morning according to Gibbs, but was soon distracted of her emotions. 

We ended the day laying on both sides of Emerson in our bed, reading her favorite bedtime story. 

"And they lived happily ever after. The End." Tony read. 

"Wait. There is one more page." He said. 

I looked at him as if her were insane. We have read this book a hundred times. He laid the book flat so we could all see. On the page, a beautiful ring laid. He took my right hand and slid it on my finger. 

"And they lived happily ever after. Merry Christmas." He smiled. 

I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. 

Emerson squealed and laid her little hands on mine and Tony's faces.

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