Chapter 73

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We quickly picked the boys up from the babysitters and before I knew it, we were at the airport. Some people who worked there took all our bags. The only thing I had to worry about now was getting to California without getting deathly ill or flipping out.

The team lined up to make their entrance on the plane. I followed closely, but before I could step on, I stopped dead in my tracks. Tony noticed and turned around. He handed Aiden to Abby and took Easton from me to hand to McGee. He slowly held both hands out.

"I got ya." He nodded.

I hesitated, then grabbed his hand as he led me back to our seats. When I sat down I covered my face, head facing straight down. I heard Abby's voice, soon cut off my tony.

"Let her be. If it gets her through this then it's fine." He said.

I felt the plane start to take off. As hard as I tried, I couldn't do it. I ran to the bathroom with both hands over my mouth. McGee followed me back with his eyes, then looked at Tony.

"You better not be having another one of these." He said signaling down and Easton.

"No you idiot, she is terrified of flying." He snapped back.

When I got back, I sat down in my seat staring down at the floor, and holding Tony's hand. I stayed that way for the rest of the flight.

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