Chapter 129

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"Alright boss man, what do we have planned for today?" I asked. 

 Tony had planned the entire trip. It was his trip so I wanted him to do what he wanted. 

 "Beach day. Then later on we will hope on a boat and go snorkeling." He smiled. 

 "Ahh snorkeling. I've always wanted to do that!" 

 "I know me too. Alright bathing suit up. Don't want to waste anytime." He grinned, changing into his swim trunks. 

 I changed into my bathing suit, slipped a cover-up on top and off we went. Our condo was on the beach. We walked out the back door and we were on the sand. I felt the cool breeze hit my face and the warm sand between my toes. This must be what paradise feels like. 

We picked out a spot and set up shop. We weren't out there but 30 minutes before I felt Tony staring at me. I slid my sun glasses down on my nose and looked at him. 

 "Can I help you?" 

 "I'm bored." 

 "How can you possibly be bored!?" I asked. 

 "I wanna play in the water or something!" 

 "Well I'm not stopping you!" 

 "Go with me!" He pouted. 

 I rolled my eyes and stood up. 

 "Alright my little toddler, let's go play in the ocean and sand." I smirked. 

 He grinned and took me by the hand, running towards the water. The temperature of the water couldn't get more perfect. 

 "How does it feel?" He asked. 


 "And how could you possibly know that? You haven't gone under yet!" He grinned and picked me up, then dunked me under. 

 "You jerk!" I laughed, splashing him. 

 "Don't splash me!" 

 "Don't dunk me!" We both laughed. 

"Let's ride the waves back to shore!" I suggested. 

 He looked at me confused. 

 "You've never done that?!" I asked shocked. 

 He shook his head. 

 "Well, when the waves are about to hit you, start swimming! You will ride the current in. Ready?" I asked. 

 "Yep." He said grabbing my hand. 

 "Alright. 1, 2, 3! Swim!" 

We made it back to shore with one wave and ended up sitting in the sand. 

 "I can't believe you have never done that before." I said, assisting him in the making of a sand castle. 

"You have met my father. Does he seem like a beach person to you? He never took me to the beach." He said, avoiding eye contact. 

 I could tell he didn't want to talk about it. 

 "Tada! A masterpiece like this deserves a signature." I said as we finished the sandcastle, trying to change the subject. 

 "You're right." He smiled. 

 He grabbed a stick and wrote "The Dinozzo's" in the sand in front of the castle.

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