Chapter 121

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"I'm going to kill him." I frowned. 

Tony just smirked. 

We scanned the upstairs area. A spare bedroom here, a bathroom there. Nothing too important. I opened the door to the last room on the floor. 

"Um Tony, come here." I said. 

He walked over to me as we sat staring at a child's room. The walls were bright pink and purple, covered with butterfly stickers. We walked in to take a closer look. 

"I guarantee she was here last night. Her bed is pulled back." I said. 

I saw a pink sparkly framed picture laying on the nightstand beside her bed. I picked it up so Tony and I could both see it. The picture was of a little girl and her parents, the two found dead. 

"Only child." Tony said. 

"Shh. Do you hear that?" I cut Tony off. 

I heard a slight sigh. Tony pointed to the closet. I nodded as we both pulled are guns and opened up the closet door quick. There sat a small child in her p.j.'s softly crying. We both put our guns back on our hips and bent down to the little girls level. 

"Hey there. My name is special agent Anthony Dinozzo. Can you tell me your name?" Tony asked. 

She shook her head and wouldn't make eye contact. Tony sat next to her. 

"I'm a good guy. I'm here to help you. I can't do that unless you tell me about yourself." He said, laying his hand on her back for comfort. 

She tilted her tear stained face up at him. 


"Ok Ava, it's nice to meet you. You want me to help you out and take you somewhere save so we can finish talking?" He asked. 

She nodded and held her hands out. Tony smiled and picked her up. Ava hugged his neck and shut her eyes tight, allowing one more tear to run down her face.

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