Chapter 132

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I woke up in Tony's arms. He was holding me close, watching tv.

"Morning." He smiled.

"More like night." I said.

I looked at the clock that read 8:30 pm. He smirked as he brushed my hair back out of my face. All of a sudden, my stomach made a weird growl sound. I laid my hands on top of it.

"I don't think my stomach appreciates that it's almost 9 and we haven't eaten yet today."

"We have been a little busy." He grinned.

"I mean I'm not complaining. It is." I smiled, pulling him into a kiss.

He smiled and kissed me.

"So should we go out and eat or just skip it and try again in the morning? I mean today was devoted to one certain thing right?" I smirked.

"As tempting at that is, I'm about to starve."

"Ok well, where do you want to go?"

"We have been eating out all week. I have a better idea. But you have to close your eyes." He said.

I covered my eyes with my hands as I let Tony guide me.

"Ok, open!"

I uncovered my eyes to find myself standing at the back door of the condo which led right out to the sand. About a yard ahead of me was a blanket set up with pillows and a basket, lit up by a few lanterns. Tony grabbed me by the hand and led me out to the blanket.

"This is beautiful Tony! When did you do this?" I asked, sitting next to him on the blanket.

"When you were asleep." He smiled.

He unpacked the basket which contained our meal for the night. After we ate, we both laid back on the blanket and stared up at the stars.

"I'm pretty sure this is illegal." I smirked.

"Only if we get caught." He smiled.

"Shooting star. Better make a wish." He said pointing his hand up in the air.

I shut my eyes tight.

"What did you wish for?" He asked.

"If I tell you it won't come true!"

"I'll tell you if you tell me!"

"No no! I know how this works and that's not it!" I smiled.

He turned his head and looked at me as I did the same.

"Thank you for this week. It was absolutely amazing." He said.

I kissed his cheek and ran my hand through his hair.

"I love you Tony Dinozzo. More than you will ever know." He smiled at me.

"Tag your it!" He took off towards the water after tapping my shoulder.

"Hey wait! I ran after him just fast enough to tap his arm.

"Now you're it!"

"I don't think so!" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me into the water as we were both in our normal clothes.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

He dropped me into the water and grinned. This led to a splash fight. He picked me up so I couldn't splash him anymore.

"I win." He grinned.

I pouted. He removed the pout off of my face with a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." He smiled.

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