Chapter 5

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I heard the elevator ding. I turned around from Abby's computer to see McGee with a box of stuff. I smiled and waved. He layed the box down.

"What are you girls up to?"

"Abby is testing me." I smirked.

"She's good!! Hasn't missed one yet. When you got here to only got one right!"

"I'm a computer nerd, not a science genius!" He argued.
"This is a box if evidence Abbs. Gibbs wants you back in the squad room." He looked at me.

"We will finish this test later! Deal!?" I smiled and nodded.

McGee pressed the button and got into the elevator with me.

"So how'd you like Abbs?"

"She's hilarious. And incredibly smart." He smiled and nodded.

I looked at him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."
"You are no longer the probie of the bunch. Why are you being so nice to me? Why aren't you treating me like Gibbs or Tony?" I asked.

He thought about it for a minute, then looked me dead in the eye.

"Because I'm not like the rest. And neither are you."

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