Chapter 98

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Everything was unpacked and the house looked amazing. The only thing left was the nursery. We decided to leave that room alone until after the reveal.

"Why is this the only bedroom not finished?" Palmer asked.

"That will be the nursery. We don't want nosy people like yourself to ruin the surprise!" I smirked.

"I'm offended!"

"Truth hurts!"

He crossed his arm and potted like a toddler. I just smiled.

"You are brave. As soon as you hit empty nest mode you have to start all over again! I personally am looking forward to an empty nest." McGee said.

"Thanks a lot Dad." Thomas smirked.

"Look I love you son, but you drive me nuts sometimes!" McGee laughed as he put him in a headlock and messed up his hair.

The bond between those two was priceless.

The normal teens were at my house; Easton, Aiden, Elizabeth, Thomas, and Lily. They spent the majority of the evening in the basement, until we called them up right before we announced the gender.

"I'm not sure if I believe you yet." Abby said.

I looked at her confused.

"I haven't seen one ultrasound picture yet, and you sure don't look it." She said.

"There is a bump! It's very small, but it's there." I argued.

"I'll believe it when I see it." She grinned.

"Will you please get on with this? I want cake!" Aiden complained.

"Fine Mr. Impatient!" Tony said walking over to the fridge.

He slowly lifted out a cake and laid it on the kitchen table. It was a medium white cake with a bow on top. There were blue and pink polka dots surrounding the bow. The bottom of the cake read "He or She open to see!" I grabbed some silverware and plates out of the cabinet and laid them on the kitchen table.

"Ready?" Tony asked.

I nodded and handed him the knife. I placed my hand on top of his and we cut down into the cake. Tony cradled the piece between his index finger and the knife and plopped it onto a plate. He placed the plate, holding a pink piece of cake, on the kitchen table for everyone to see.

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