Chapter 30

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Come Monday morning I was the first one in, other than Gibbs of course. He walked over to my desk. I looked up at him.

"You get everything figured out?"

I nodded.

"Good. I'm headed to Abby's lab. If anyone needs me tell them where I'm at."

"Got it boss."

He headed to the elevator.

I turned to my right to find tony standing beside my desk.

"Jesus you scared me!"

"Morning to you too." He smiled and sat at his desk.
"So did you tell anyone?"

"McGee of course. I've talked to Gibbs about it, but he doesn't know who."

"You did what!?"

"Chill! It's fine I promise! What about you?"

"I've told a few." He admitted.

I heard the elevator ding. I turned around to find McGee.

"Did you hack into my Wifi!?!"

I looked over at tony to catch him grinning from ear to ear. I smirked.

"No! WE hacked into your wifi!" I pointed to tony.

"Hey! It was your idea! I was just along for the ride!"

"Ugh!" McGee pouted as he plopped down in his chair.

"Oh don't be a titty baby!" I yelled.

"Well maybe I'll just tell Gibbs about you two's big news!"

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me!!"

"Try what McGee?" Gibbs asked as he sneaked up on us. It made my heart stop.

McGee looked over at me. I gave him a glare that if looks could kill, it would have stabbed him right through the chest.

"Nothing boss."

"We'll gear up then. We have a dead officer."

We all rushed to grab our gear and headed to the elevator. I looked at McGee.

"I will kill you." I whispered.

"Not unless Gibbs kills you first."

Probie: An NCIS FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora