Chapter 77

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When we arrived home, we all got some days off to catch up on sleep, get use to the time change, and for Tony and I, plan our children's birthday parties. Easton's 2nd birthday was 2 weeks away and Aiden's 1st was just a week. Although it would be easier to throw 1 big party, we felt like they deserved their own with Aiden turning 1. So we planned one weekend with Party's. Friday, Aiden's. Saturday, Easton's. Sunday, Tony and I's anniversary. It was a few months early, but we wanted to knock out all the parties for one year, in one weekend.

The two birthday parties went great. Aiden loved his birthday cake, he ALMOST managed to get a piece in his mouth. The rest was on his face, my face, and Tony's face. The only problem we had was out of Easton. He couldn't stand how Aiden would take off a little piece of wrapping paper and would want to play with it. He wanted him to hurry and open his presents because he was excited to see what he got. So he tried to open Aiden's gifts. Multiple times. But other than that the night went great. It ended with both boys zonked. Easton on McGee and Aiden in Gibbs's arms.

Easton's party went just as well. He loved all his gifts, especially the toy car he got from Grandpa Gibbs. The night ended once again with Easton on McGee and Aiden in Gibbs's arms.

Watching them, it amazed me how much my boys where growing up. Aiden taking his first steps. Being able to carrying on a conversation and understanding Easton. It was amazing. It was perfect.

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