Chapter 43

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We did decide to have a reception after the wedding, but for family and close friends only. There was dancing, singing, and everyone was having a good time. Before I knew it, it was time for the toast and to cut the cake.

Tony grabbed his glass and lightly tapped it. The room became silent.

"I'd like to say a little something before we cut the cake." He said looking at me.
"The past year has been crazy and fantastic all at the same time. Our lives have been put in fast forward for the past 8 months, but I've loved every minute of it. It has definitely been full of ups and downs, put the important part is we have stuck through it together. I went from it just being me to it being me, you and Easton in less than a year, and I've never been so happy in my life. So here is to the rest of our lives." He smiled and raised up his glass.

Everyone else did the same and chanted.

I looked and him and smiled.

"Now lets cut the cake!" He said, grabbing the knife off the table.

"Rule number nine, never go anywhere without a knife." He laughed.

I placed my hand on top of his and we cut two pieces of cake. We both grabbed a piece and locked arms, prepared to feed each other. I glared at him.

"Shove it in my face and ill kill you."

He just grinned.

We fed each other and sure enough, he smeared that piece of cake all over my face.

"Ugh! I'm gonna kill you!" I held his arms down and did the same to him.

He jumped away laughing. I couldn't help but do the same. He picked up Easton and rubbed it on his nose. Easton squealed and rubbed his face in Tonys suit. We both smiled. This was our little family, and it was absolutely perfect.

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