Chapter 140

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"I can't believe you are about to do this!" I yelled so Abby could hear me.

We were 12000 feet in the air, looking out at the world below up.

"I can't believe you aren't going with me!"

"I'm 4 months pregnant Abbs. Probably not the best idea." I smirked.

"Are you ready?" The man asked.

Abby nodded.

"See on the bottom Abbs!" I said.

"One, two, three jump!" He yelled as Abby jumped out the door.

Not long after the plane landed and I met back up with Abby.

"So? How was it?" I asked.

"Amazing!!" She yelled.

I smiled.

"Well I'm glad I could be here with you when you did it! But I have to head out." I said.

"Thank you for coming with me!" She smiled and hugged me.

I was going to meet Tony and Emmy at Liz and Easton's apartment. They wanted to cook dinner for us and to celebrate Emmy's 2nd birthday. When I pulled into the parking lot, Tony had just gotten there as well. He was in the process of getting Emerson out of her car seat. He lifted her out and say her feet on the ground.

"Hey miss thang. Did you have fun at the babysitters today?" I asked, picking her up.

"Yep! We had cake for my birthday!" She grinned.

"Well isn't that cool!" I smirked.

When we walked into the apartment, Emerson was taken from me immediately by Easton.

"Happy birthday baby sis!" He smiled.

She grinned and hugged his neck.

Their bond was precious.

"We made your favorites Emmy, chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese!" Easton smirked.

"Yay!" Emmy cheered.

Easton sat her down at the table as we all joined. Here we sat, 4 grown adults and a 2 year old, eating chicken nuggets and macaroni for dinner. About halfway through our dinner, I looked over at Tony. He nodded at me.

"We have something we need to tell you guys." I said.

Easton and Liz looked up at me.

"We are going to have a baby." I said.

"For real this time?" Easton smirked.

"Yes for real this time!" I glared.

"That's awesome. Congratulations." Easton smiled.

He stood up and walked over to us, hugging us tight.

We smiled.

"Well then our birthday gift to Emmy will work out even better." Liz smiled, handing Emmy a wrapped box.

Emerson jumped out of her chair and say on the floor with the gift in front of her. Easton sat beside her.

"It's not going to unwrap itself!" He smiled.

Emerson grinned and started to rip the wrapping paper off. She opened up the box and pulled out stuffed animals of Mickey And Minnie, along with a card. She waved the card in the air for Tony to open for her. He opened it and looked in the card.

"Disney World tickets? Wow! Hear that Emmy? You are going to Disney World with your brother and Liz!" Tony smiled and handed her the card.

Emmy ran over to Easton and Liz and hugged them.

"Thank you!" She grinned.

They smiled and hugged her.

"Those tickets are for any time in the next year. So we will take her right after the baby is born so you have some time to get use to all that again." Easton said, picking Emmy up.

Emmy was grinning from ear to ear, holding onto her new stuffed animals.

"So what do you think?" Easton asked.

"I love it, and I love you!" She grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

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