Chapter 51

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It was a Friday night. I kept myself busy doing laundry to keep my mind off how awful I felt. I had one month left. Just one. I could do it. The part that sucked though was that I was done with work until after the baby was born. I loved staying home with Easton, but I was tired of being stuck at home.

Tony was napping with Easton. It was so cute. I sat on the couch, watching them sleep. In a completely not creepy kind of way obviously.

"I can feel you staring at me." Tony smirked. He peeked one eye open.
"You aren't feeling good are you?"

I shook my head.

"I can tell." He laid Easton on the couch to continue sleeping.

"Will you help me hang something in the nursery real quick?" I asked.

"Of course."

We walked back to the new babies bedroom. The walls were a light blue. The walls were covered with basketball stickers and the crib had a basketball throw. Can you tell I let Tony pick it wall out?

"Where do you want it?" He asked.

I pointed to a spot on the wall. He climbed up a small latter and hammered a nail in the wall. He then hung the picture up. He got down and stood beside me looking at the picture.

"Look good?" He asked.

I didn't answer. The room was spinning.

"Hun?" He looked over at me.
"Hey! Wai-...."

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