Chapter 42

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Today was the day. Now was the time.

My father was walking me down the isle. Abby was in front of me, yes she was the flower girl.

McGee was standing next to Tony as his best man. He looked at her then looked at me. I shrugged and mouthed "she wanted to!" He covered his mouth and made the most unattractive snort sound, which made me laugh.

My dad kissed my cheek and left me at the front with tony. He looked so handsome.

"You look beautiful." He smiled

"You don't look to bad yourself." I smiled.

Abby whispered in my ear.

"The ring bear never came!"

"We didn't do it in the exact right order. You will see why. He's coming!"

Just that time, there entered Gibbs, holding Easton up by his fingers so he could walk down the isle. Easton was wearing the small pillow with the rings as a backpack. The rings were actually attached to the pillow. When he got to us, we took the rings off the pillow and McGee held Easton at the front while Gibbs sat in the front row.

I'm pretty sure you can figure out what happens between here and the kiss.

"You may now kiss your bride."

I looked at tony and smiled, as he did the same.

He grabbed my cheeks and pulled me in for the kiss.

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