Chapter 109

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"Good morning." The doctor said.

"Morning." I smiled.

Tony laid Emerson on the cushioned examination table with just a diaper on. Her lip quivered at cold touch.

"Everything seem to be going ok with her?" The doctor asked.

Tony and I both nodded.

"Nothing out of ordinary. She is eating every 3 hours. Sleeping well. Everything seems to be ok." Tony answered.

The doctor nodded.

"Her height and weight are average, she's reacting well, and she's a very happy little baby." She smiled, grabbing on to Emerson's little hand. Emmy smiled at her.

"She is a daddy's girl, that is for sure." I smirked.

Tony smiled and re-clothed her.

"Everything looks great. Any questions before you leave?" The doctor asked.

"Actually, there is something." I said, looking up at Tony. He nodded.

Soon after, we sat in the waiting room of a different doctors office, surrounded by expecting mothers. I stared the room down. My stomach suddenly ached and I shivered. I felt Tony smirk. I glared at him.

"It's not funny!"

"It's kind of funny."

"No! I don't want to do this again!"

"Who cares if we have to? I'm ok with it." He said.

About that time the nurse called us back to a room. Tony sat in the corner of the room bouncing Emerson on his lap as she squealed. My normal doctor walked in.

"Where is she!?" She grinned.

Tony smirked and held Emerson out. The doctor took her from Tony and smiled at her.

"Hi there sweet girl! It's about time I get to meet you in person rather than through ultrasounds!" She cheered.  

"I didn't expect you two to be here so soon." She smirked.

"Yea neither did we." I frowned.

"Well the other doctor sent over the sample. It is being tested as we speak. I'm going to go see if it's ready, but Emerson is going with me!" She said, darting out the door not allowing us to say otherwise.

I looked over at Tony.

"Guess it's a good thing the boys are moving out soon huh?" He said.

I sighed.

He walked over and sat beside me on the table.

"What is really bothering you? Because I know it's not the possibility." He said.

"Gibbs. Work. I can't tell anyone this without being judged. I miss my job. Just, everything." I said.

He grabbed my hand.

"It will be ok." He said.

About that time, the door reopened. The doctor laid Emerson back into Tony's arms.

"Well, looks like Emerson is going to be a big sister."

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