Chapter 56

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"Tony wait!" I ran after him.

He stopped at the door and turned towards me.

"I'm sorry! It's not what it seems!" I said grabbing his arm.

"Oh really!? Cause it looks like joy were sucking face with McGee!" He yelled, yanking his arm away.

"It's not like that at all! I don't like him tony!! I love you. You're my husband."

"Then why did you just kiss him!"

"I don't know Tony! I don't!"

"Well figure it out! Then come find me." He left and slammed the door in my face.

I stood there in tears, shocked. Why was I that stupid?! How did that just happen!? I turned around. McGee was standing there, looking at me.

"Um. Just keep the games. I put the food up." He headed for the door.

"That's it? All that blew over and your just gonna leave?"

"What do you want me to say!? I'm sorry that I screwed that up for you, I'll take all the blame! I hurt you and my brother! But am I glad it happened? Absolutely. I love you. I have since you've entered my world." He looked at me like a load was lifted off his chest.

I looked at him shocked.

"I had no idea McGee."

He shrugged and grabbed his coat.

"You got some things to sort out. I'll leave you be." He shut the door on the way out.

What have I done?

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