Chapter 142

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Tony's POV

"Mr. DiNozzo can you hear me?" I heard a light voice say.

I opened my eyes to a bright light staring me in the eyes. The room was spinning.

"Can you hear me?" The voice asked again.

"Yes I can hear you. Now get that light out of my eyes." I said, smacking the flashlight away.

My head was pounding. I went to lay my hand on my head, but the doctor stopped me.

"No no. Those are fresh stitches. Don't touch them." He said.

Then it hit me.

"Where is my wife!?" I yelled.

"Easy. She's in another ambulance that left for the hospital much sooner. They are probably already there." He answered.

"Is she ok? What about the baby?" I asked, scared.

The two doctors looked at each other without answering.

"Damn it what happened!?" I yelled, slamming my hand on the bed I was laying on.

They both jumped, startled. One finally decided to speak.

"When she left in the ambulance, she was unresponsive Mr. DiNozzo. I'm sorry." He said, looking down.

I stared at him.

"You need to speed this ambulance up. Now." I said.

"Sir we are going as fa-"

"NOW!" I interrupted.

He knocked on the wall.

"Speed it up." He said.

I heard the sirens come on and felt the speed of the moving vehicle increase. The time it took to get to the hospital seemed like an eternity. I stood up to jump out of the truck.

"Sir, we have to wheel you in." One said.

"No. You aren't." I glared.

He nodded.

I ran inside and headed straight to the front desk.

"Anna DiNozzo. Where is she." I asked.

The nurse typed away.

"Faster!" I yelled.

She stared at me.

"I'm sorry. Faster, please?" I frowned.

She nodded. "She is in emergency surgery."

"For what?"

"They have to deliver the baby before they can try to save her."

"She still has 3 months before the baby is due! Isn't there something else you people can do!?" I yelled.

"The baby will be in NICU yes. It will be a hard fight. But if we don't deliver it now it will not survive the surgeries your wife will have to have to TRY and save her. This is the only way if you want at least one alive from this Mr. DiNozzo." She said, slamming me with the heart wrenching truth that I probably would leave this hospital with one less family member.

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