Chapter 130

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 "Hey I'm home!" I yelled through the apartment as I walked in. 

 No one answered. 

 "McGee? You home?" I asked. 

 Still nothing. 

About that time I heard the pitter patter of little feet. I turned to the right to see Emerson wobbling down the hall squealing, McGee following close behind. 

 "I'm gonna get you!" He smiled with his arms out in front of him. 

 "No no no no!" She kept squealing. 

 McGee stopped at the door. 

 "I didn't hear you come in I'm sorry." He said greeting me. 

 He pulled me into a kiss. When we separated, we looked down to see Emerson standing in front of us with her hands over her mouth. 

 "Yuck!" She grinned. 

 "Yuck?!" McGee threw her up in the air and caught her, then proceeded to tickle her. 

 She giggled and desperately tried to get away. 

I smiled. She was so stinking cute. 

 "What kept you at work late?" McGee asked. 

 "Gibbs wanted me to get some prints off of a glass. Said it was urgent." I said, taking her from McGee. 

She grabbed onto my nose with an evil grin. 

 "You better stop it!" I said in a nasally voice. 

 She giggled. 

I sat her back on the ground and scanned my destroyed apartment. 

 "It looks like a tornado went through this place." I frowned. 

 "Atleast she's having a good time." Tim smirked, pointing to Emmy who was sitting in the floor playing with just a few of her 100 toys that covered the carpet. 

 I smiled. 

 "Alright miss Emmy, it's bed time!" Tim said picking her up. 

 She frowned. 

 "I know I don't want to either. Maybe we can have a sleep over?" I asked. 

 She grinned and nodded. 

 "Let make a fort and we can sleep in there! But we can't do it without your help." Tim suggested setting Emmy back on the ground. 

 She nodded again. 

Tim, Emmy, and myself started to pile pillows and blankets up in the floor. When it was finally finished, Tim and I crawled in the fort and laid down. Emerson snuggled up in between us. 

"Goodnight Emmy." We both smiled, taking turns kissing her forehead. 

 "Night night!" She grinned. 

 She grabbed onto both of our hands and closed her eyes. I smiled and looked over at Tim, who was doing the same thing. 

 "Goodnight Abbs." He whispered, pulling me into a goodnight kiss.

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