Chapter 104

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There I laid on my side in the hospital bed, clinching onto a pillow as if it were the only thing keeping me alive. My eyes were shut but I was nowhere near asleep. That wasn't even a possible option.

Tony and the boys were all sitting in the room with me. Tony by my side and the boys at the small table doing homework.

I heard a light knock and the squeak of the door. I heard multiple foot steps enter the room, followed by the squeak of the door once again, only shutting this time.

"How is she?" I heard Gibbs voice.

"Hanging in there. It's been a rough day. She's getting a little rest right now." Tony said.

"What happened?" McGee asked.

"When we got here at noon they wanted to wait and see If she would go into labor on her own. An hour later there was still no change, so they induced her. The contractions have been bad since they induced her. Strong and only a few minutes apart but there is nothing to do because she isn't dilated enough to push. She has been in labor for 8 hours and in a whole lot of pain." Tony frowned.

Two hours past, still nothing. Gibbs, McGee, and Abby all left until further notice. Easton left to pick up Liz. Aiden was asleep in the chair in the corner of my room. Tony was sitting by my side still, dabbing my head with a damp washcloth. I looked up at him. He wiped the damp hair on my forehead to the side.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"That you are in so much pain." He frowned.

I laid my hand on his cheek.

"This is not your fault. And trust me, it's all worth it." I smiled.

There was a knock on the door. My nurse walked in.

"Mrs. And Mr. Dinozzo?"

"Yes?" Tony answered.

"We can't wait any longer or else the baby could be in danger. We have to go into emergency C Section." She said.

"What? No! I haven't gone through this all day not to have her naturally!" I argued.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But your baby's health is at risked. You are already 2 days over your due date. We need to get her out, and soon." She said.

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