Chapter 69

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I heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in." The door slowly opened and in walked the whole crew, Tony, Abby, McGee, Gibbs, Palmer, Ducky, and even the director. Abby was holding Easton and McGee was rocking Aiden.

"It's like a little family reunion." I smiled and sat up looking at all them.

"How you feeling?" Gibbs asked.

"Better that's for sure. I'm really sore, but I'll get over that soon."

"What all did they do?"

"I had surgery on my side. And I had to get my head and cheek stitched up. The cut on my eye wasn't deep enough to do anything with so I just have to live with this beautiful black eye." I said.

"It is beautiful." Tony said, kissing the top of my head.
"Your alive. That's all that matters." He said.

I smiled.

"Other than that just some scrapes and bruises from the wreck."

"I think we are gonna lock you in a room so nothing bad can happen to you." McGee laughed.

I reached my arms out towards Abby.

"I'm guessing you want your son?" She smirked, laying him on my lap.

"We'll yes, but I really wanted a hug."

She bent down and I hugged her tight.

"It wasn't your job to be there, but you still were. Thank you." I let go.

She smiled and nodded.

"I guess we will leave the four of you alone." Gibbs said looking at me and tony.

"Actually, while we are all together I want to do something." McGee passed Aiden to Tony and stood in front of Abby holding her hands. He bent down on one knee.

"Abby Scuito, the last year has been the best year of my life, and I want to make the rest of my like that perfect too. Will you marry me?" He asked, holding up a black box with a ring.

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