Chapter 21

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After eating lunch at Tony's apartment, we headed back to McGee's. I signed some papers on the apartment. I could move in in about 2 weeks.

"So you're coming to Florida with me for spring break right?" Tony asked.

"Is that an offer or a demand?"

"What ever you make it." He smirked.

"Actually I was gonna do something nice for McGee since he let me stay at his place. I'm gonna try to convince him to ask Abby to go on spring break with him so I can do something."

"Oh come on! Florida would be so much more fun!"

"Thanks but no thanks. Have fun though."

"It won't be near as fun without you." He frowned.

He pulled up in front of McGee's apartment.

"Thanks for all your help today Tony. I had fun." I said getting out of the car.

"I had fun too." He smiled.

I shut the door and watched him drive off. I headed up to McGee's apartment to find him sitting on the couch staring at a turned off tv.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Accepting the fact that I'm gonna die alone."

"Don't say that!"
"It's true! This is the 5th year in a row ill be spending spring break at home." He frowned.

"Then go to the beach and invite Abby!"

"She'd never come!"

"Would too!"

"I'm not asking."

I lifted him up and pushed him towards the door.

"Grows some balls McGee! Go!"

"Hey!!.... Fine. I'll ask."

"Good! Bye bye!" I said closing the door in his face.

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