Chapter 120

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Tony's father was in town for a few days for Christmas, so he agreed to take Emerson home while we went to the crime scene.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Tony asked as we walked up to the scene.

"He raised you, I think he can handle watching Emerson for a few hours."

"I wouldn't be so sure." He frowned.

When we approached the crime scene, the first person we saw was Easton. Now don't get me wrong, I love my son. I just didn't love seeing him there after what had just happened.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Gibbs asked if I wanted to sit in on this case. So.. Tada!" He answered.

Easton, Palmer, and Ducky were watching over as McGee and Gibbs were taking pictures of the bodies. Two bodies, a man and a women, laying on top of one another on the stairs in their home.

"We're they.." I asked.

"Yep." Gibbs answered.

"Nice." Tony smirked.

"My question is why here? All the rooms in the house, and they chose the stairs. Why?" McGee questioned.

"I don't know. Ask mom and dad. They are experts at having sex in inappropriate places." Easton said.

Tony and I both shot him a look at the same time.

"Is that so?" McGee smirked.

"Ask what their morning consisted of."

"Easton Grant Dinozzo!" I yelled.

"Wait. This morning. You were at the hospital. You didn't!" McGee grinned.

I put my face in my hands. We would never live this down.

"Please tell me it wasn't in Emerson's room." Palmer said.

"It was." Easton answered.

"Was not! She was already discharged when it happened so technically it wasn't hers!" Tony argued.

"It was still her room!" Palmer disagreed.

"Alright enough!" Gibbs yelled.

We all got quiet.

"We can discuss their weird sex life later. Right now I need two of you to check upstairs and two downstairs." He smirked.

"Ugh! Come on!" I grabbed Tony's arm and drug him upstairs.

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