Chapter 15

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Tony, McGee, and I headed to the squad room.

"How much do you think he heard?" I asked tony.

"Not much. If he knew he would be very angry. You'd be able to tell."

We all sat at our own desks. My desk was next to Gibbs's and across from Tony's.

"You ready for your first job in the field?" Gibbs asked.

"Yes sir." He handed me a piece of paper with an address.

"Go pick up the wife from this address. Take tony. Oh, and don't call me sir."

I nodded and grabbed my bag. Tony followed me to the elevator.

"You're driving." I thew him the keys.

"Nuh uh uh. You are. Lets see if you can find your way." He threw them back at me.

"Ugh!" I threw my bag in the back seat and got in the car. We drove off. I had no idea where I was going.

"I'm just gonna say it know. Where ever we end up, remember its your fault!"

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