Chapter 126

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"NCIS open up!" Gibbs yelled. 

After waiting a few seconds, Gibbs kicked the door down. A young woman, around the age of 20, looked up at us terrified. She laid the small infant she was cradling on the couch next to her and raised her hands over her head shaking. 

"What? What is this? What did I do?" She asked, voice shaking. 

McGee came up behind her and handcuffed her. Tony lifted the baby into his arms. 

"No! What about my baby! You can't take him!" She screamed. 

"You will get him back as soon as we get some things figured out." McGee answered as he led her to the car. 

Gibbs followed close behind. 

"Gibbs wait! What do we do with the baby?" I asked. 

"Find what you need and bring him back to office. We will go from there." He answered. 

He got into the Dodge Charger with McGee and the suspect and flew off. 

"You heard the man. Let's find the nursery." I said walking through the junky house. 

Tony walked behind me bouncing the fussy infant up and down. 

"How old do you think he is?" He asked. 

"No more than a couple weeks. Noah is an itty bitty baby." I answered 

"Noah?" He asked. 

I pointed to the name painted on the nursery wall. After I gathered a bag full of necessities, Tony and I buckled the baby in the car seat and headed back to the office. 

We brought him up to the squad room and laid the carrier on Tony's desk. 

"Well baby Noah needs a place to stay for a couple days. You two are the lucky winners." Gibbs said to as he walked in to the squad room. 

"Why us?" I asked. 

"Well Dinozzo has made it pretty clear he wants another baby. Maybe this will ease the begging for a few days. What ever you buy for him write it down. The agency will reimburse you at the end. Now go home. We don't need that baby anywhere near it's mother right now." He demanded. 

When we brought Noah home, Emerson was very fascinated. She sat at his head on the floor as Tony and I sat at his feet looking down at him. Emerson ever so carefully laid her hand on his head. 

"Baby!" She grinned. 

"What you think about that Emmy?" I asked. 

She grinned and rubbed her hand on his cheek. It was all fun and games until he let out a cry, which scared Emmy enough to back up. Tony and I both smirked. 

"He's just hungry Emmy. Want to help me feed him?" Tony asked. 

She grinned and nodded. 

Tony lifted Noah off the ground and sat on the couch with a bottle. Emmy jumped on the couch and sat up on her knees so she could see what was going on. Tony started to feed the baby. 

"Can you hold the bottle in this spot for me?" He asked. 

She snuggled up to him and held the bottle. 

"You got this under control?" I asked. 


"I'm feeling a bubble bath. If you need me call." I smirked and walked off. 

I must have dozed off in the tub, because the next thing I remembered was Tony kneeling beside the tub. 

"Comfortable?" He asked. 

I peaked an eye open at him and smiled. 

"Where are Emerson and Noah?" I asked. 

"Well after we fed Noah, Emmy was ready for bed which is where she is now. Noah is asleep for the moment and in the bassinet in the living room." He answered. 

"Well aren't you good?" 

"Duh. How's the bath?" He smiled. 

"Why don't you find out yourself." I smirked. 

"I thought you'd never ask." He jumped into the tub, completely clothed right down to the shoes. 

"Tony!" I laughed splashing him. 

"You invited me!" He smiled splashing back. 

I grabbed him by the collar on his dress shirt and pulled him onto me, kissing him. He pulled away just long enough to remove his clothes before he pulled me back into a kiss, grinning the entire time.

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