Chapter 137

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We walked into the emergency room as I held my arm close to me.

"Are you sure you're ok other than your arm?" Tony asked, panicking.

"Yes Tony I'm sure. I think my arm may be broken, but everything else is fine." I reassured him.

Soon after, the doctor swung the door to my room open.

"Well, it's not broken, but it's pretty darn close. I'm going to put you in a soft cast and a sling for a few months. What exactly happened?" He asked.

"I'm a special agent at NCIS. We were at a suspects house. He got spooked and took off, pushing me to the ground. Then he proceeded to run over my arm with his motorcycle." I answered.

He was halfway done casting me by the time I finished my story.

"Ouch. Well be carful out there. I want you taking a while off understood?"

"Yes sir." I answered as he finished putting the cast on.

I looked over at Tony, who was still uneasy. I looked back at the doctor.

"So other than the arm, myself and the baby are fine right?" I asked.

"I believe so."

"Believe?! I want you to be sure, and how is that possible when all you did was check out her arm!?" Tony angrily questioned.

"Hey easy Tony. He's a doctor, he knows what he's talking about." I grabbed his hand.

"Although I'm sure everything is fine, I can call over to the side of the hospital and get an ultrasound set up for you right now." The doctor said.

Tony looked at the ground, ashamed of what he had done.

"Please and thank you?" I answered.

Tony and I walked through the tunnel that led to the other side of the hospital. He looked at the ground and didn't speak the entire time.

"You're ok Tony. He knows you're just nervous." I assured him.

"I'm really sorry I did that." He said, eyes never leaving the ground.

"Don't be. You are just worried. It's ok to be that way." I answered.

When we got to that part of the hospital they took Tony and I right back. Thankfully, my normal doctor was there and was the one who would be doing the ultrasound. For some reason I didn't trust anyone else to do so. We went through the normal process. She rubbed the jelly around until she found a steady heartbeat. I saw a sign of relief overtake Tony. "You are only about 4 months in, but I can attempt to get the gender if you guys are interested." Our doctor said, staring at the screen. Tony and I spoke at the same time with two different answers.

"I can not wait until it's born to know if it's a boy or a girl!" He argued.

"But we have found out with the other two! Let's make this last one a surprise! Pweeeease???" I begged.

He stared at me, unamused.

"You want to watch me go crazy don't do?" He asked.

I grinned.

"Fine." He sighed.

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