Chapter 134

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I sat at my desk and smiled at Tony bouncing Emerson in his lap as he continued to work. Her eyes were glued to the computer, watching anything and everything Tony did. I was awoken from my stare by the sound of Abby's voice.

"A little birdy told me Emmy was in the building this morning!" She squealed as she ran over to the bullpen.

She headed straight to Tony's desk and proceeded to play with Emmy. McGee walked over and sat on my desk.

"Ever since we watched Emerson she's been in a baby kick."

"Well why don't you guys have another one then?" I asked.

"I don't want another one. I'm loving the empty nest! So just let her spoil yours ok?" He smirked.


"Besides, aren't you and Tony going to have another?" He asked.

"We are working on that, but it's a little hard considering Emerson has decided she wants to sleep in our bed now. Wonder who she learned that from." I glared.

He grinned.

"Plus, I'd like Emerson to be a little older before we do anyways. She's already almost 1 and a half. She will be 2 by the time I have it if we get that all worked out soon. That's what I'd like." I said.

"Grab your gear. Assault of a marine in the park." Gibbs said, grabbing his stuff.

We all began to pack up.

"Is he ok?" I asked.

"In the hospital. He will be fine. Says someone is trying to kill him." He answered.

"Um boss, what about Emerson?" Tony asked.

Emerson's babysitter called at the last minute saying she had the flu and didn't want to get any of the kids sick, so we brought her to work hoping we could go a day without a case.

"Take her with you." He answered and he left in the elevator.

"Alright! Emmy's first crime scene!" Tony said as he put her jacket on her.

"Well hello Miss Emerson. And what brings you here?" Ducky asked, bopping her nose.

She grinned.

"Babysitter called in. So Emmy gets to partake in her first crime scene!" Tony smirked.

"Ah. A special agent in the making I see." Ducky smirked and went back to work.

"Alright munchkin, you ready to help me take pictures?" Tony asked.

She nodded.

Tony lifted her on his shoulders and continued to work, unfazed.

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