Chapter 101

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I peeked out the blind to the backyard. Snow covered the grass.

"This is not ok." I pouted.

"What's not ok?" Tony asked, nose deep into a baby name book.

"It's snowing outside and I can't even play in it!"

"Probably not the best idea my little four year old." He smirked.

"You know how much I love the snow!" I glared.

"Find any names you like?" He asked.

"I have a few. And you?"

He nodded.

"Let's make a deal." He said.


"You make your list and I'll make mine. Then after the baby is here, we compare our lists. Which ever name matches up, that will be her name." He said.

"And if we don't have any match?" I asked.

"Then we fight to the death. Duh." He smirked.

"Deal." I held my hand out.

He shook it and smiled.

 "How are you feeling anyway?" He asked. 

 "Well I still have 4 months to go, so I don't feel quite like a cow yet." I smirked.

"Oh stop. Has she kicked yet?"

I shook my head.

"Flutters, but no kicks."

"I'll be the first to know right?"

"Yes dear." I smirked.

"We need to get the nursery done." He said.

"Well we have a little bit."

"Yea but in a couple months you won't be in any shape to help, but you will insist on doing so." He smirked.

Our conversation was interrupted by the slam on the basement door. Easton ran into the room, homework clinched between his teeth, clothes in the process of being put on.

"It's noon! Why didn't any of you wake me up!? This is going to ruin my perfect record!" He yelled, struggling to get his jeans on.

Tony just laughed.

"You think this is funny!?" He asked.

"Sweetheart, look out the window." I said with a smirk on my face.

He peeked out to the back yard, followed by throwing his backpack on the ground.

"I'm going back to bed." He started to head back downstairs.

"Wait! I have a better idea." I said.

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